Job Description

1.Education : Bachelor Degree / equals
2. Experience : min. >= 2 years
3. Good English
4. Technical skill : swift, objective-c, cocoa-pod, git, MVVM design pattern, dependecy injection, debugging error and data flow, clean code, clean architecture, remote data and local storage, react native framework with typescript and hooks, RESTful APls, MobX, redux, react router
5. Soft skill : good communication, can work independently and coordinate with the team, eager to learn and up-to-date latest technology, strong commitment assignment, fast learner and have a good logic
6. Others : good OOP concept, debugging analysis, design pattern, SOLID principle, and understanding of react life cycle, native (android & IOS ) behavior, security concept (obfuscate, proguard, top 10 OWAPS), sonarqube, abality to work comfortably in a fast-paced, agile team development environment, experience in GITFLOW (GIT) develop animation, transitions and interaction for UI and visual elements, problem solving


iOS Platform Objective - C git swift cocoa pod

MID IOS Developer



Rp. 8,000,000 - Rp. 13,000,000

2 tahun